Member Resources

Is There a Way For The Chapter to Earn Awards for their Service?

There is! FBLA Inc. has many awards for the chapters but also for the members. There are the FBLA Collegiate Excellence Award and the Collegiate Outstanding Chapter Award. These awards help with leadership skills and expand students’ knowledge of business. We want to be able to recognize them and their efforts. For more information please follow the link provided.

We are a Starting/Struggling Chapter How do we Recruit?

Don’t worry we have some flyers and brochures made that you can use at your promotional events. They are editable to a degree to make it apply to your specific chapter as well as upcoming events that you are hosting at your chapter.

If you have other questions that this page wasn’t able to answer please feel free to reach out to the VP of Communication.

Can I Have my Advisor be Recognized For their Work?

Of Course! If you believe that your advisor has shown outstanding commitment, dedication, work ethic, etc. to Arizona FBLA Collegiate we have an Outstanding Local Chapter Advisor Award. For those Advisors who not only help out at the state level and Chapter but also how they have helped you grow into a successful business leader for today’s work. If you want to show how you noticed what your advisor has done fill out the form provided.

Are There Awards for the Members in the State?

We encourage our members to be successful without the benefit of getting awards. But we do have an achievement program where you can keep track of things like volunteering hours, positions held as a leader in other organizations, as well as engagement at state activities. This is our Achievement program. To find more information about it please click the button.

How Can I Find Information about the State Leadership Conference?

Any and all SLC information will be on the State Leadership page. Events, Registration, Schedule, and location will all be updated on that page when it gets closer to the actual conference. The tentative month when SLC will be hosted is in April, not only that but it is also a weekend trip. Starting on a Friday evening and going to Saturday evening. For more information head over to the State Leadership Conference page under the events tab on the header

How do I Become a State Officer?

It’s really easy! All you have to do is fill out the form that is provided. Then you have to make sure that you can attend SLC because that is when the 2 voting delegates from every chapter vote on who they want to have as the state officers. Not only that but when you go to State you also have to have a poster board talking about yourself and why you are running for the position but also what you hope to accomplish during your year as that specific State Officer.

What are Amendments for AZ FBLA Collegiate and how can I create my own?

When updating the bylaws for Arizona FBLA Collegiate, the main focus should be on making sure they match how the organization operates today, while also allowing flexibility for future changes. Start by reviewing and updating any outdated rules or unclear language, so that everything is easy to understand. It's also important to check that leadership roles, election processes, and meeting formats are still appropriate. Membership rules and dues may need to be adjusted to fit the organization’s current needs. Make sure the bylaws follow national FBLA Collegiate rules and any local laws for nonprofits. Adding options for virtual meetings, adjusting how many people are needed for decisions, and setting up committees or roles for specific tasks can help the organization run more smoothly and adapt as needed. Use the form that is provided if you have amendments for AZ FBLA Collegiate bylaws and submit it to the State Executive team